Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sex in need a condom?

I had sex minus a condom tonight, he came surrounded by me.. I was wondering how precipitate pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy and any info on EC and any other information I can find.. I hope you learned a useful lesson about sex and responsibility.
Planned parenthood(phone book) and the Morning After Pill next stop by the drugstore and get a roll of Trojan Condoms and keep them geared up. I would make him dance with you or cut him stale totally!
Old Guy and a Dad
If you go to Planned Parenthood, you can attain emergency contraception. First Response Pregnancy Tests claim that they can find results 5 days earlier than sooner..but I don't exactly know what they be going to by "sooner."
Also, just to consent to you know, pregnancy tests can endow with a false negative, but never present a false positive.
Also, don't listen to the negative comments that you will inevitably receive from other answerers.
bet that feel good

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