Sunday, October 24, 2010

Really unpromising cramps?

today in institution i was cramping so unpromising i had to be checked out...
Is here any way i can own less cramps? uh, today's my 2nd light of day...
normally my period aren't as heavy as they've be lately... i'm not sure why.
also, is it true tampons make u bleed heavier? that's what my mom said(but i don't trust her, she's a dumbass, sorry)
any comfort please? and don't say pinch medicine or anything exact i don't. wat i do is take some meds be4 i confer on the house and before lunch. it depends on which med works for u. i use midol so... if that doesnt work its not much u cando.
aviod sodas and sweets it might relieve
good luck
I have this problem in dignified school.
I am sorry to influence I did have to use drugs. I be desperate for relief so I go to Planned Parenthood and asked to be put on birth control pills (even though I was a virgin and have no intention of having sex.) It worked. I get total relief! My period got lighter and shorter and the cramps go way down.
And tampons do not net you bleed heavier.
its normal to rob pain reliever especially you can't manipulate it anymore... trust me, im a nurse!

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