It starts about a daylight before the wind up of my period. Last month I be convinced it was a yeast infection and used prescription cream (the lone kind that works on/for me). The itching go away after a couple of days. I've had yeast infections until that time (obviously) and UTIs, this doesn't feel close to either one. It's dry and itchy. It's also pretty sensitive. I enjoy been using like kind of tampons for a few years in a minute, they are not scented, and made by OB. There are no bumps and it's more internal than external.
Could it be (an infection) from disappearing the tampon in for too long? Could it be from anything else?
I read plenty of question and answers about this topic and I'm 95% sure it's not a yeast infection or a UTI. It's also not an STD. Any suggestions are appreciated. If you're sure it's not an STI or a UTI or a yeast infection - you are ruling out the 3 biggest causes. Therefore, I insist on you to see a doctor because it could be symptoms of something more serious. You should change tampons every 4 hours, if you are in that isn't much liklihood that this is the cause unless you hold developed some kind of allergic reaction to them Like i said, please just turn see your doc, good luck.
consequently it could be BV. or a change within the ph level. menstrual time of year can change the ph even of the girly part thus allowing BV to grow. the tampon you use can also throw stale the ph level. I suggest you try rephresh. you can buy it over the counter. it maintain a healthy ph down near.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Second month contained by a row I am experiencing vaginal (internal) itching forthwith after my term.?
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