Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sex and birth control...stipulation an answer please!!?

Okay, I'm on birth control. My bf and I had sex tonight. I am supposed to start my redundant pills tomorrow. I know semen can live for a couple days. So if I take my at leisure pill tomorrow, am I going to be at risk of pregnancy since I just have sex tonight? Because I know they say if you miss an live pill, you could get pregnant. Does it work indistinguishable way beside the inactive pills, or would it not be possible getting pregnant since I will be on my interval? Should I take the unoccupied pill or skip the inactives and start a new pill pack? I know I probably nouns stupid, and I should know this, but I'm just not sure. Help! You don't hold to take the still pills. They are a reminder to keep you on track. Some BCs use iron within them.
As for getting pregnant, your chances are extremely slim. When on BC, your body is supposed to stop ovulating, therefore it will not agree to you produce eggs. It's 99.9% effective, so I expect you'll be just fine! =)
The placebo (inacitve pill) does not suggest you ovulate. When your on birthcontrol you do not ovulate at all if you lift it correctly, so you should have nil to worry in the order of

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