Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sex Hurts?

I am not a virgin and have be with men of a range of sizes. My current boyfriend is "blessed" with both length and thickness. When we were first together, I notice that I was hugely sore after having sex but very soon it hurts to even get started. He take his time and we have used different lubricants to support but it still hurts.
I realize that if this is a big concern I will need to see my gyno but I want to know if anyone have had a similar experience. Any counsel or tips? You might have what I have bascially in some women they dont preduce ample natural lubricant aka ejaculant to stay showery thus causeing swelling around and inn the vagina to become dry making sex hurt, it can be treated threw a over the counter prescription not sure what the cream is called but it works and you single have to use it once.
nope im gonna linger for marriage sorry!

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